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I think I gained weight from eating ice cream.아이스크림을 먹었더니 살이 찐것 같아요


by tigerjjh 2024. 1. 4. 04:03




You might feel like you gained weight after eating it.

아이스크림을 먹은 후에 살이 쪘다는 느낌이 들 수 있어요. 

But just a single intake of ice cream didn't make you fat.

하지만 단 한 번의 아이스크림 섭취로 살이 많이 찬 것은 아니에요. 

Usually, those feelings can occur temporarily due to too slow digestion or water retention in your body after a meal. 주로 그런 느낌은 식사 후의 소화가 지나치게 느리거나 체내에 수분이 머무르면서 일시적으로 발생할 수 있어요. 

But don't worry! You can re-balance yourself with regular exercise and a balanced diet. Enjoying one or two ice cream is a joy of life! 하지만 걱정하지 마세요! 꾸준한 운동과 균형있는 식사로 다시 균형을 맞출 수 있어요. 한두 번의 아이스크림 즐기기는 삶의 즐거움이니까요!



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